Our Mission:
At Pacific Associates, our mission is to improve lives and businesses by promoting equity and economic advancement. We provide free, comprehensive employment assistance to job seekers who have been recently laid off, are low income, have disabilities/chronic health conditions, or are from other historically resilient communities. Through personalized career services, skills training, and advocacy, we strive to break down barriers to employment, promote social inclusion and enhance economic independence.
WorkSource is a one-stop service that combines the employment, training and funding resources of several agencies to offer job seekers and businesses the most effective and efficient assistance possible. Pacific Associates, as a major partner of WorkSource, offers services at locations throughout King County.
The services offered by Pacific Associates include:
This service is for job seekers who do not have the skills that lead to a meaningful career and economic self-sufficiency. It is also for those who have been laid off and find that their job skills are no longer marketable.
The staff at Pacific Associates helps individuals choose a satisfying career with the potential for a healthy income. In order to accomplish this, we offer:
Career Counseling to help in selecting a career goal.
Help in identifying training in high demand occupations at public and private training institutions located throughout the region.
Assistance in developing funding packages, including career scholarships through Pacific Associates.
For job seekers who have marketable skills but need assistance in obtaining employment, Pacific Associates can help:
Make sure your employment search tools and approaches give you the best opportunity to land the job you want
Identify job opportunities
Discover additional employment possibilities you may not have considered
Open doors to employer contacts developed through more than 25 years of experience.
Finding qualified and diverse applicants
Marketing your job openings at no cost
Assistance with work-based learning opportunities including: Apprenticeships and Internships
Hiring events and other on-site recruitment activities
Connecting with local public workforce development partners in government, education and community based organizations
Resources to avoid layoffs, supporting staff development and increasing employee skills
Assistance when dealing with company closures and layoffs
Access to current labor market information and local economic trends
Resources in obtaining tax credits in working with people with disabilities, veterans, ex-offenders and others with barriers to employment
Additional human resource assistance such as private interview rooms, labor law and compliance resources